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  1. DorisøBay

    User deleted

    Io ADORO quest'autrice!

    anchio ero venuta per metterla! :D
  2. omelette73

    User deleted

    Sempre dalla stessa autrice va32h questa So Noted, parte della raccolta Missing Moments Part Two è veramente esilarante.

    Post-it found on a dirty sock

    Why is this next to the hamper instead of in the hamper?

    Written in steam on the bathroom mirror

    I saw you naked!

    Cream colored note card slipped inside a Green Lantern comic book

    Found this in a used bookstore in Montreal.

    Written on the back of an envelope, left on the windshield of a silver sportscar

    Your left rear tire needs air

    Index card slipped into the pocket of a gray suit jacket

    Working late, please remain dressed.

    Scrawled on the back of a takeout receipt, left on Brennan's desk atop box from Wong Foo's

    Don't forget to EAT!

    (paperclipped to a file folder) From the Desk of Temperance Brennan. MS, PhD

    Enclosed please find the summary findings in the Esterbrook case. I corrected your grammar error on page six. You're welcome.

    On notebook paper, left on a pillow

    Would like to find you here tonight.

    Written in Sharpie, on the top of a Styrofoam container

    Passed by that bakery this afternoon.

    Card accompanying a delivered bouquet of flowers

    I know you don't like things like this. Humor me.

    Text message

    Thank you for the flowers. Everyone at the lab thinks we had an argument.

    On the back of a business card, left on a pile of dirty shirts

    Take me to the cleaners!

    Post it note, same location

    I do not take orders from the laundry. Or from you!

    Index card, same location

    Whoever takes these to the cleaners will be rewarded with sexual favors

    Text message

    Shirts at cleaners, expect favors to be paid forthwith

    On printer paper, left on Brennan's desk

    Missed you. Miss you.

    On printer paper, left on Booth's desk

    Missed you, also regretting the general lack of your presence.

    Grocery list, Brennan's refrigerator

    Bottled water, rye bread, swiss cheese, lentils, something Booth will eat

    Grocery list, Booth's refrigerator

    Beer, chips, hot dog buns. Green stuff.

    Email from tbrennan at jeffersonmedicolegal . gov to sbooth at fbi . gov

    Re: your suggestion last night

    I am still intrigued but uncertain of the logistics. Please submit proof of concept materials.

    Email from sbooth at fbi . gov to tbrennan at jeffersonmedicolegal . gov

    Can't send via gov't account. Will provide live demonstration my apt. 9pm

    Series of text messages:

    SB: *(3n)k(%

    TB: Excuse me?

    SB: Sry. Sat on phone.

    TB: You coccyx dialed me!

    SB: You have the sweetest coccyx

    Photocopied page from Oxford English Dictionary, bearing the initials TB, left in Booth's sock drawer

    Love (n)

    O.E lufu "love, affection, friendliness, from *lufo (cf , liaf, Ger. liebe, Goth. Liufs, "dear, beloved"; not found elsewhere as a noun except O.H.G luba Ger. From PIE *leubh "to care, desire, love" (cf, L. "lubet", later "libet", pleases,; Skt lubhayati "desires", OCS l'ubu "dear, beloved"; Lith, liaupse "song of praise."

    Photocopy of photocopy, tucked into Brennan's mirror with the added notation

    Me too

  3. lotus in dream1927

    User deleted

    One shot sulla 4x26 e 6x23 di eitoph.
  4. Chris.Tag

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (lotus in dream1927 @ 31/5/2011, 16:21) 
    One shot sulla 4x26 e 6x23 di eitoph.

  5. vale2875

    User deleted

    ragazze se a qualcuna di voi va di tradurre qualcosina.....ben venga :D
    anche perchè da qui a settembre l'attesa sarà infernale....
  6. lotus in dream1927

    User deleted

    FF ambientata nella S 7 di Someonetookmyname.
    E' un pò angst, ma piena d'amore e molto ben scritta secondo me.

    Buona lettura!
  7. lotus in dream1927

    User deleted

    One shot BB, ambientata nella settima stagione.

    E Oneshot post 7x04:

    Edited by lotus in dream1927 - 7/12/2011, 15:13
  8.     Like  

    The Boss

    i-Bones STAFF
    Los Angeles

    Visto che gli hiatus sono notoriamente tempi di lettura e scorpacciate di ff, e finalmente comincia a rigirarne qualcuna decente, torniamo a segnalare ^_^

    You become a habit to me di sunsetdreamer

    Se sapete che B&B hanno una figlia e si chiama Christine, non ci sono spoiler :P
    Racconta alcuni episodi della vita familiare in casa Booth/Brennan e nonostante non mi appassioni il genere, devo dire che l'ho trovata molto ben scritta, non troppo smielata e decisamente in character.
    La consiglio decisamente! ;)

    (Poi ditemi se vi è piaciuta)
  9. Ciccia-B

    User deleted

    Bea avevo appena finito di leggere questa ff quando noto che ne hai postato il link!:D Davvero molto bella, ben scritta! E' stato un piacere leggerla! :D
  10.     Like  

    The Boss

    i-Bones STAFF
    Los Angeles

    Questa è geniale! :lol:
    A woman's prerogative
    Se avete visto la s7, non ci sono spoiler ;)
  11. ~Mars.

    User deleted

    Darò un'occhiata.. Da un pò di tempo non le leggo neanche più le ff su Bones. Sono una peggio dell'altra :blink:
    (Dopo aver trovato l'altro giorno uno slash Zack/Booth ho praticamente scovato di tutto!)
    Quelle post season finale sono scialbe..E se ce n'è qualcuna carina è scritta con i piedi..Ci son talmente tanti errori che ti viene voglia di dare testate al muro XD Rimpiango le nostre scrittrici di ff...
310 replies since 9/2/2007, 15:31   17112 views